Thursday, August 12, 2010

Windows Movie Maker

Here is a quick, short movie I made using Windows Movie Maker. I used video and still images that I captured on holiday while travelling India and combined it with text to create this presentation. This video could be used to show students how other countries are different to theirs and to promote discussion and thought about the diversity in our lives and our world. I felt that using text in this presentation encouraged deeper thinking and encouraged a line of thought that I wanted the students to consider.

This is a great program to use that is quick, easy and simple. It could be used as a tool for students to present their information or at the end of a unit to show their knowledge and understanding that they have developed. It also allows for audio to be recorded which would allow students to develop their oral skills. Movie Maker would also be useful for the teacher to use at the start of a topic to promote interest and discussion.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Kylie,

    I like the way you used video at the start to engage the students. Im sure they would be pointing out many things that they find different to theirs, however, did you think about using this to promote brainstorming. You could ask the students to write down a list of all the things that they believe makes India different to Australia (before you show the movie). This would stimulate thinking and allow the students to show their prior knowledge on the topic. After this takes place, show the movie and ask them if they can add anything to their list.

    I feel Windows Movie Maker is a tool that can easily be incorporated into any key learning area focusing on any specific concept. As I reflect on my own experience using this tool, I can brainstorm many ideas in which I will use this in my future classroom practice. As I am in the P-3 sector I would love to set this as a classroom, group or paired activity to allow them to use their skills and to show these to their parents. I personally enjoy using this tool as it is user friendly, quick and easy and I feel it promotes creativity in the classroom.

    If you have a look on my blog, anchor text

    you will find a few ideas and a sample video that I have added that is creative and exciting.

  3. Thanks Renee. You have some great ideas and I loved the YouTube clip. This is a tool that I look forward to using when I get back in a class.
